Kestrel 5400

• Measures Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT), Thermal Work Limit (TWL), heat index, temperature, humidity and much more. 15 measurements in all!
• Waterless! Natural Wet Bulb Temperature accurately calculated from on-board digital sensors with no tedious setup or maintenance.

The Kestrel 5400 is revolutionary in size, cost and capability for those in need of measuring Heat Stress. Available with or without LiNK (Bluetooth) and / or a compass.
Along with having a Wet Bulb Global Temperature reading, it displays thermal work limit (“TWL”), another recognized composite heat stress prediction tool. For both WBGT and TWL, it provides on-screen alarms when conditions enter the caution and danger zones, providing clear and immediate guidance that heat illness prevention steps must be taken. Clothing levels can also be customized, making it particularly useful in activities requiring heavy protective gear which worsens heat stress. The Kestrel 5400 also displays natural wet bulb temperature, and black globe temperature.


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